“Stepping out of the long shadow of E.S.T, P-S-V’s music is risky enough to attract the thrill seeker, but not too forbidding to alienate the groove hound"
- Fred Grand, Jazz Journal UK
"A spark for the development of Swedish jazz."
"A trio that is undoubtedly one of the most interesting on the young Swedish jazz scene right now."
- Linus Fröbom, Lira Musikmagasin
"(...)one of the most promising modern jazz groups in Sweden."
"(...)a group with the potential to drive the development of jazz forward(...)"
- Ystad Sweden Jazz Festival
"(POST-SUN-VISION) has the potential to advance the development of jazz. The trio has strong compositions that also provide air for improvisations and brilliant interplay."
- Musik i Syd
Den prisbelönta jazztrion POST-SUN-VISION har beskrivits som en av landets mest lovande grupper och har sagts ha potential att driva musikstilen framåt. Deras musik har beskrivits som ’lättillgänglig avant-garde’ och har, bland andra utmärkelser, givit dem titeln ’Nordic Jazz Comets’ 2020 och 'Ensemble in Residence' på Musik i Syd, 2020-2021. Deras andra album, gästat av Magnus Broo, släpptes i januari 2021.
Nordic Jazz Comets showcase 2020
at We Jazz Festival
The award winning Swedish trio POST-SUN-VISION has been described as one of the most promising jazz groups in the country and have been said to have the potential to drive the genre forward. Their music has been described as ’accessible avant-garde’ and has among other things got them the title ’Nordic Jazz Comets’ of 2020 and 'Ensemble in Residence' at Musik i Syd, Sweden, 2020-2021. Their second album, featuring Magnus Broo, was released in January 2021.